Mob Rule

There is an excellent article in the New York Post about the Arab-Israeli conflict. It points out that Fatah and Hamas are merely a bunch of mobsters. Their brutally murderous conduct since they were given control of Gaza proves that. It is now painfully obvious that they are utterly incapable of their own state. They have made a stronger argument against any kind of Arab autonomy in Israel than any of their opponents ever could. Here's my favorite part of the article:

Gaza is Judenrein - emptied of all Jews, just as Hitler dreamed Germany would be. No Jews live in Gaza. No Jews patrol Gaza. It's Jew-Free-by-the-Sea, with a charming Mediterranean coast worth billions of dollars in tourism and trade.

So what's the problem? The problem is that the Jews weren't the problem. The problem is that the Palestinians are the problem: They are drenched in an ideology of blood and murder and suicide.

The sooner people learn this, the sooner we can stop them from murdering more people.

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