But it was just a joke!

One time, in the old country, there were a group of men sitting around and talking. They were talking about this and that. One of the men fancied himself a scholar. He presented a long theory that he had invented himself to explain a particularly difficult passage of Talmud. The others were quick to debate the new idea. Soon it was torn to shreds as various problems were pointed out in his reasoning. Once on the topic of Talmudic insights, another man presented what he thought to be a novel solution to a different problem. This too was debated by the group until a flaw was uncovered. One by one, they went around the table. Each presented a thought to withstand the strictest scrutiny of the greatest minds. Each idea was in turn debated until a crack could be found in the wall of reasoning. Then Yankel spoke up. "It seems that every argument has it's weakness. I know I'm no great scholar or rabbi, but I can come up with something that no one can disprove!" All eyes turned to him. "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One," he recited. "Ah!' cried Shmelke the Shoichet, "I could disprove even this!" Immediately the men convened a council and revoked the Shoichet's license. If someone could even entertain such a heresy, they were unqualified to be the town shoichet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get the joke